The CD Release Party for Out of It is booked and officially on September 5th at Cafe Dekcuf in the city of Ottawa. Times and bands are still TBD, though I am practically guaranteed to be there and drinking heavily. But you are super invited and hey, you could pick up a copy of the CD three days before the release date! What a coincidence that is!
This will also likely be the last show as a regular old three piece rock band. It's been super fun, but I can't resist putting a computer in the live show and electronifying things and making us prone to tech problems. Anyway, I hope to see you there.
Holy cow, there's only a week left until the submission deadline for “the most cliche video ever†video for Fake It. So far there are only TWO submissions! Set sail for failure!
I'm not sure if it's apathy or shyness or what. So… I guess we'll see how this last week goes. And maybe I'll try to find my rocker wig.
The new version of social bookmarking site Delicious launched last week and overall I'm impressed. Search is snappier, the design is slicker and they didn't ruin it by taking out nerdy features like tag intersections. Delicious and Wikipedia are the only two sites that give Google a run for their money for search for me so I'm happy to see it treated well.
That being said, there were a few UI decisions I didn't care for and have created a Greasemonkey script to fix. Here's the before:
And here's Delicious with my tweaks:
My changes are:
- I bolded the link titles. I found them too hard to skim, which is largely what I do on Delicious.
- I turned the link URLs a light grey. For some reason the URLs were the easiest part to read for me and also just about the least important information.
- I coloured visited links purple. At least to my eyes, visited links on the new Delicious are only the slightest bit fainter than the regular colour. This makes it hard to know at a glance which links you've already visited, which is a pain especially when you're searching.
There are a few other changes I'd love to make, but my Greasemonkey skills are not the strongest:
- Tags should be moved to the left. They're the third most useful information to me (after titles and a description – which often isn't there), but your eye has to travel to the right to see them.
- Make the link counts easier to skim. The shades of blue they use for say, numbers 17 and 794 are barely different from each other. When I'm searching, I want to quickly know what the most popular links are.
I may get used to these issues, I'm a pretty fussy dude. But it's been a few days and I still find they slow me down. Anyway, it's still a good redesign and congratulations to the team for transitioning to it smoothly. There was no downtime that I noticed and the new site hasn't lost any functionality that I enjoyed before. Good stuff!
Well, that was a huge amount of stress about audio junk 99% of humans will never notice or care about. What a world.
The master for Out of It is as done as I can make it be and will be heading into manufacturing tomorrow. After this all I can do is regret. Party time!
A friend of mine's been doing great weekly dance mixes at Lowpass – DJ. He's got a podcast feed now. It makes me look forward to exercising.
You can buy I Don't Know What I'm Doing in FLAC format again (click 'more buying options'). Out of It will be available in FLAC as well when it's released.
Finished up all the Out of It mixes yesterday, moving on to mastering now. Actually I wouldn't say “finished†I'd say more “gave up and decided to move on with my lifeâ€. Here's hoping that's close enough.
Album artwork is submitted to the manufacturer, deposit placed on weary credit card. Found out Digipaks take 4-5 weeks instead of 2-3 as I originally thought, though luckily I scheduled out the timeline with a few weeks to spare.
Thanks to everyone who's been pre-ordering, it's nice to know this isn't all for nothing.
Haven't gotten too many submissions for the Fake It cliche video yet, but this one from Einar is awesome:
Yours doesn't have to be as professional looking of course, the more amateur the funnier.
Here's a pre-release single off Out of It: Fake It [MP3]
Also: I'm looking for help making the most cliché music video ever for it. Help!
I love Gmail. Conversation views, labels, keyboard macros and super fast search – it makes my life easier. One thing I also love are the email contact groups. It's like tagging for humans and I love to categorize the people who email me (podcaster, blogger, fan, booker, musician, artist, family, mortal enemy, etc). But it's not as easy to group people as it should be. Here's my easy to read prototype that I'd appreciate you forward to anyone you know at Google:
Instead of having to mouse over a contact name, get that card to show up, click More, click Contact Details, click Groups and select the group, instead I propose that all that be right in that popup. Amazing idea! I'm a genius!
Anyway, I'm sorry for the tone of voice. It's mostly due to the hour I just wasted trying to get Greasemonkey to do exactly this. I love you Gmail, I could never stay mad at you.
Barring act of god, the second Brad Sucks album -- Out of It -- will be released Monday September 8th, 2008. And then I will explode into dust.
It's available for pre-ordering now. There's also a preview with clips from the songs you might want to check out. That's all on the Out of It album page.
I'm pretty nervous about this release. Rather than the long production time solidifying my choices and decisions I think it's made me even less secure than usual. I hope people like it -- OR ELSE I'M DOOMED.
David points to this Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable on Amazon. The tags are wonderful. A small sampling:
snake oil (383)
ripoff (338)
waste of money (314)
throwing your money away (287)
unconscionable (267)
stupid (231)
immoral (204)
pure garbage (202)
cheat (191)
denon (50)
harry potter (47)
astronomically dumb (5)
tax on the stupid (5)
as effective as using dog hair (4)
fraud (4)
nonsense (4)
rofl (4)
time space (4)
wizards_made_th is (4)
a fine product indeed (3)
cable (3)
ftl (3)
how do they get through the door with ba... (3)
pt barnum (3)
shameful (3)
wtf (3)
59 inches (2)
audiofool hardware (2)
bogus (2)
corporate taxation of the uneducated (2)
cures cancer (2)
ecstacy godlike troll-killing superwmd u... (2)
eternal life (2)
ether-licious (2)
I've had a hate-on for “high-end†cables for a long time so this is wonderful to me. [via Joho]
(Made with the I Don't Know What I'm Doing lyrics and wordle)
Server outages bring out the doodler in me. Gig poster for the show on Friday:
(Here's the PDF [3mb].)
Did you know: 60% of the bands playing Friday start their names with "the".
Also I was asked to deface a t-shirt with my signature and lyrics from Dirtbag:
Spot the errors, I'm an idiot.
The data center the bradsucks server's in I guess had a big-ass explosion, which is why it's been offline for the past couple of days.
As they work out backup power I expect service will be spotty for a while, so if you want to read me complaining about it you can follow me on Twitter.
Also: if you emailed me in the past couple days, you may want to re-send.
Update: I guess their backup generator exploded resulting in another day of downtime. Man, what a shitty week for the bradernet.
Having now seen Indiana Jones 4 I am finally free from looking forward to anything by George Lucas, hooray!
Indy 4 was terrible and at least as bad as The Phantom Menace. I'm not sure how it's managed a score of 78% on Rotten Tomatoes as I write this, but I have to assume that will be lowered by time and careful reflection.
Here's my ranty spoiler-filled list of things I can remember disliking:
- Indy being a bumbly moron
- Indy following around Dudey McMumbles for the whole movie going "what? what are you doing? what's going on?"
- Whipping out the Crystal Skull every other minute.
- Indy surviving a nuclear event in a refrigerator?
- The plot made no sense.
- Indy throwing a big ridiculous sissy-fit over the snake in the quicksand. "Say grab the rope"?
- No sense of urgency or danger. None of the characters took the danger very seriously so I didn't.
- Endless, tiresome exposition. Please, TELL ME MORE.
- The one-liners were so weak. "I like Ike"?
- Shia Tarzan
- Indy dramatically picking up his hat like eight million times.
- Why do the commies act exactly like Nazis?
- Commie chick is psychic I guess? But she can't read Indy's mind? And also not Huxley's? And also not Marion's? And also can't make a connection with the crystal skull? And also does nothing with her power throughout the entire movie?
- Why did the evil commies break into a US government top secret storage facility to get an alien body? They just poked at it and went "oh we have several other of these".
- Triple agent Mack, tricking Indy any ol' time he feels like it.
- Indy trying to save Mack after he gets betrayed again?
- Why did Indy get promoted to Dean?
- Why did Indy and Marion get married?
- Why are there karate ninjas hiding in every long-deserted ruin?
- "[Their] word for gold translates as treasure. But their treasure wasn't gold, it was knowledge. Knowledge was their treasure." THANKS FOR CLEARING THAT UP. TWICE.
I guess it might be easier to list the stuff I liked:
- Intro stuff with Indy was nice to see. Him teaching, reference to Marcus & his dad. :(..
- Shia as Mutt was good actually and managed to have an occasional bit of chemistry with Indy.
- I liked the big UFO ending, but it was set up so poorly and at the end of a really bad movie.
My friend Allen is working on a tasteful and mysterious series called "Fat Dinosaurs". I drew this to win his respect:
We'll see if it works!
Tonight Hit the Bong With Me [MP3], music written by Lee David in 1926. Sometimes you have to destroy a song to learn its secrets.
The borrowed PA in the practice garage went away so I reached into the vast (vast!) Brad Sucks war chest and bought two 270 watt Peavey PR10PN Powered Loudspeakers. Despite forgetting my mixer at home they did a nice job at rehearsal last night. Very clear and full sound, plus I have them up on stands now which I think helps them stand out from the murky low frequencies.
I knew nothing about monitors or live sound before. I did a lot of reading and here uh are some... knowledge:
- People on live sound forums are kind of annoying, possibly worse than recording forums. God forbid you not want to outfit your garage with multiple $1500 JBL's.
- Powered speakers are now a viable alternative to a powered mixer + passive speakers and offer more flexibility. But they're newer so they're hard to find used.
- The Peaveys have optional brackets to position them as floor-wedge monitors.
- The Peaveys actually have three inputs on each speaker. Two quarter inch and one 1/4"/XLR combo. All have level control, which is impressive.
- With powered monitors you can use a regular passive/unpowered mixer, which are cheap and plentiful.
The other point of this was to make it easier to integrate the laptop into the full band, which so far has been a huge struggle technology-wise.