Idea: Data Twitter

I want a Twitter-style service for freeform, taggable, time-stamped data. My intended purpose would be to log real-world items. Like I'd IM/text/email the Data Twitter service with:

bike ride tags: bike, ride, exercise

writing a blog post tags: status, writing

phone call from annoying dude tags: annoying dude, phone

basketball tags: basketball, sports, exercise

These would all be time-stamped as I add them. A duration may also be useful.

The data could then be queried, searched, accessed via API from other web sites & apps, read via RSS and imported into spreadsheets.

Potential applications:

  • import specific tags (like 'exercise') for a certain time period into a spreadsheet for analysis
  • power cross-site social widgets from the data feed (most recently listened to songs, task completion, current status)
  • use as a remote control for triggering events in software monitoring the feeds (bittorrent clients, server administration)

It's super nerdy, by nature deals with private instead of social data and likely wouldn't scale, but I still want it.

My broken stuff

Everything around here's breaking. The first channel on my Presonus Bluetube magically broke during the night. As you can see, the first channel input is pegged to the max even though there's nothing plugged into channel 1:

Broken stuff 003

And for the past couple of months I've been aware the phantom power light on my Behringer Eurorack UB1204-PRO is always on regardless of the switch setting on the back:

Broken stuff 002

(It's the red light beside the blue one. Spooky!)

I guess I'll open up the BlueTube and see if there's anything obviously wrong inside. Wait, first I'll shake it.

Update: shaking did nothing. I opened it up and there was nothing broken looking. Poked around a bit and tugged on wires and things, powered it back on and now it works again. La-di-da.

Update 2: It broke again after a couple days of working fine. Presonus says $65 + shipping to repair. Blergh.

Brad's Mappy Email Signup Release

mappy-email I've open-sourced my little Google Maps email signup gizmo that I use on my live page and when visitors sign up for things (blogged about it here and here.) You can grab the script here:

Brad's Mappy Email Signup (google code project)

It's another quick and dirty project from Brad Labs, cleaned up a bit from my implementation of it. But it's been working very nicely and I'm super happy to have the data for live show planning purposes instead of relying on Eventful as a middle-man.

On choosing album art

A long time ago I put out a call for album art for the new record and got a lot of great submissions in the forum thread. A few complications arose that I hadn't realized -- mainly that for printing I need a super high-res version. Plus a cover isn't enough for a CD, you also need the back, the inside and the disc face, etc, etc. I'd love to put the submitted covers in a gallery so people can use them as the cover art if they want.

Here are some of my favorites:

outofit-cover-01 outofit-cover-02
outofit-cover-03 outofit-cover-04

(credits: Douchegordijn, Ash, Forsten, onemorechris -- thanks to everyone who submitted!)

I also had a difficult time deciding what really fit with the album. I take that kind of stuff maybe too seriously and felt lost. When I was whining about my lack of direction a friend reminded me that the best way to find a focus is to go personal, find something meaningful to me. Without an anchor in reality I just float around.

ANSI art was a big part of my life during my isolated nerdy teenage years. That time was largely defined by dropping out of high school, hanging out on BBS's, having no friends, playing video games, rarely going outside and antidepressants. The songs on Out of It are all about those sorts of feelings, so I felt a strong connection. I'm not sure it's one many people will pick up on at first glance, but it's important to me that it's there.


And now I'm gonna go play some video games. Life is so different now!

Your locations

Since I've been going geo-crazy lately, here are some data pictures (wheee!!):

subscriber locations


Red markers for anyone who subscribed and entered their location in the past couple of days.

album sale locations


Blue markers for a couple years of album sale data.

subscribers and album sale locations


Not shown: Antarctica -- not big fans of mine apparently.

If you want to stand up and be counted, you can sign up on the Live page.

Give to me your locations

Now, if you would like to, you can mark down your location on the Brad Sucks Live page so I can hassle you if I happen to be playing in your area (scroll down to the map).

It's something I've been wanting to build for a while -- a replacement/alternative for and it was pretty easy with Google Maps.

Eventful's nice and I'll continue to use it, but since it doesn't give the artists access to their subscriber's email addresses it's a lock-in bullshit proposition and I can't fully trust it.

I'm now also asking new mailing list subscribers to mark down their location and will be doing so for new BFF members as soon as I get around to it. It's all optional of course -- I know giving out locations creeps some people out, but think about how traveling to another city and nobody coming to my show creeps me out.

The Hype Machine

heartI'm in love with The Hype Machine. Specifically Hype Machine Radio.

Hype Machine is a music blog aggregator -- indexing the songs and bands written about and linked to on popular music blogs. Hype Machine radio is "a non-stop stream of popular and recent tracks posted by music blogs."

I've tried a lot of different audio streams over the years with no luck. I would rarely (if ever) find new songs and artists I wanted to listen to but The Hype Machine's been delivering that on a regular basis. That's pretty exciting for a music curmudgeon such as myself.

The aggregated aspect is very interesting as well -- I find even if I don't like a song that's playing, it's interesting to me that it's noteworthy enough to have been blogged. So I find I'm a bit more patient and tolerant with the music compared to regular ol' corporate radio.

I had given up on radio but now I need to figure out how to feed this into my living room.

New music & store makeovers

In preparation for the new album release I've re-vamped all the music/store sections on the site. I'll spare you the boring tech details but it was A LOT OF WORK. Here's some of the new stuff:

  • Affected pages are music, I Don't Know What I'm Doing, I Don't Know What I'm Doing Remixed, Outside the Inbox and the store.
  • I tried to roll buying and listening together in a non-obnoxious way. Anywhere you can listen to the albums you can also buy them and vice versa.
  • Combined physical and digital buying instead of having two separate stores.
  • Every album has a flash player on it now for quick listening.
  • Variable prices for I Don't Know What I'm Doing. MP3s go for any price including. CDs have a $5 minimum.
  • Paid downloads come off the ultra-reliable Amazon S3 servers and free downloads come off my clunky junkbox.
  • Buying a CD gets you instant access to digital downloads of that album.
  • OGG format is gone, bye bye, hardly anyone bought you!
  • Lossless FLAC format is gone (but might come back?) It was more popular than OGG but not by tons and the bandwidth considerations make it rough to give away for free.

There are probably plenty of bugs (please let me know) but good lord am I glad that's over with. Did Prince have to write his own storefronts?

MySpace is still annoying

I get this sort of message all the time on MySpace:

Making Me Nervous won't play when I add it to my profile :( I just discovered you (thanks pandora. com!!!) and I want my friends to hear how awesome this song is. I see from your comments other people have had the same problem... can you fix it?

I searched all over and I can see lots of people successfully have added my songs to their pages and couldn't find any info on why it might be failing in some cases. Does anyone know what the issue is?

Hard drives, music and mortality

M122-7220-main2I'm not one to be spooked by technology but among my geeky friends the one thing we can still get nostalgic about is hard drives.

For instance: I remember my first hard drive. It was twenty megabytes and that was a large amount of space, at least double what most of my friends had at the time. It was huge and slow and loud and expensive.

Today I saw this external 750GB hard drive (7200RPM + 16MB cache!) on sale for $159.97 CAD.

Huge and cheap, amazing, etc, etc. The kicker hits me when I read: "This Drive Holds: 660 days of around-the-clock MP3 audio". Man. Some sketchy perspective math:

  • 660 days around-the-clock is 1.8 years of non-stop music, never repeating a single song.
  • That's 15,840 hours.
  • That's 990 days or 2.7 years of non-repeating music if we adjust for waking hours.
  • 28 of these hard drives full of music would play for 75 years, the average American male's life-span. Again never repeating a song.
  • 28 drives (18,627,840 hours of music storage) would cost only $4,464 CAD.
  • Digital downloads to fill those drives would cost roughly 370 million dollars.

I wonder how many hours of recorded music are out there. The iTunes Music Store has only 6 million songs in its catalog which would do you for the first 34 years I guess.

CD changes

I'm nearly all out of CDs of I Don't Know What I'm Doing and have a new album slouching slowly towards release. Thinking about dropping a few grand on plastic discs while I myself have downsized my once large CD collection to about 15 "keepers" is a tough thing to reconcile. It feels stupid.

I think I'm stuck with pressing CDs up for the near future. But what to replace them with?

Out of It vocals update

A while back I asked for some backing vocals to put on the title track of my next album. The mix is just about done and here are the folks whose vocals got included:

SexyJosh, Eric Peterson, Badcactus, Jeff Fal, Jonathan Coulton, Katherine Glover, Anti-M and Justin Bacon.

I'll be trying to track you down soon for your real name and/or address for the liner notes and album shipping but if you happen to see this, please drop me a line. Thanks to everyone for participating!

Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein

I'm not sure there's a greater music video than this one of the Edgar Winter Group playing "Frankenstein":


The description is: "Feel ROCK's majesty condensed into 10 short minutes." Here's the play by play:

ryan: we're playing music... in the 70s!
ryan: keytar and sax. and that hair
brad: you can't play BOTH lame instruments! that's MADNESS!
ryan: oh, and he plays the drums too!
ryan: edgar winter is my new chuck norris.

I think Edgar should have worn a wizard hat.

Last night at Zaphods

Photo 0063The show last night went just fine, thanks to everyone who came out and to everyone who was just there.

Doing live shows these days is strange. I'm not sure what to expect anymore. Some highlights:

  • There was a really drunk guy yelling that we were "the next April Wine". I think he was yelling that at all the bands.
  • There was another guy who just yelled "YOU LOOK LIKE JIMMY FALLON" at me which is a new one.
  • Tom from Furnaceface did the sound and he was awesome.
  • I believe my fly was open for the entire show. My first time (as far as I know).
  • My car got stuck in the snowy parking lot at 1am but luckily two homeless dudes helped me out for two dollars each. God bless them.

So who knows.


A long time ago I wrote a thing called the Temple of Ego. It was inspired by a few other websites but basically the goal was to aggregate all the data you put out on other services, creating an overall stream of all your activity on the web. FriendFeed just opened to the public and it does just that. It's slick and does what it's supposed to do. I'm at

It's extremely simple but there's a lot of potential here. Searching, filtering, shuttling data from one service to another, openID, trust networks. With a nice simple API a lot of services could be built on top of it. It'd be the new meta-Twitter.