Posts tagged maps
Mappy Email Signup v0.10

imageFinally got around to adding a radial email address finder to my Mappy Email Signup app. Mappy Email lets visitors/fans select their locations on a map and save their email addresses. So you can contact them only when you're in the area (which is more polite). It's basically an open source that doesn't hang all your contacts up in a third party.

The new version finally has a page (/admin/) where you can specify a radius (in kilometers), click the map and see all the email addresses that are within that area. So you can paste them into whatever mailing list app you're using.

Your locations

Since I've been going geo-crazy lately, here are some data pictures (wheee!!):

subscriber locations


Red markers for anyone who subscribed and entered their location in the past couple of days.

album sale locations


Blue markers for a couple years of album sale data.

subscribers and album sale locations


Not shown: Antarctica -- not big fans of mine apparently.

If you want to stand up and be counted, you can sign up on the Live page.

Give to me your locations

Now, if you would like to, you can mark down your location on the Brad Sucks Live page so I can hassle you if I happen to be playing in your area (scroll down to the map).

It's something I've been wanting to build for a while -- a replacement/alternative for and it was pretty easy with Google Maps.

Eventful's nice and I'll continue to use it, but since it doesn't give the artists access to their subscriber's email addresses it's a lock-in bullshit proposition and I can't fully trust it.

I'm now also asking new mailing list subscribers to mark down their location and will be doing so for new BFF members as soon as I get around to it. It's all optional of course -- I know giving out locations creeps some people out, but think about how traveling to another city and nobody coming to my show creeps me out.