I'm working on getting someone to redesign this website. It needs to be wider, more attractive, blah blah. I'm pretty happy with the general layout and usability, but it could use a little lipstick and an eyebrow wax at least.
I spent some time going through all sorts of famous musician websites today. It's pretty amazing how most of them are super cluttered and do not have music sections.
I mean I get that not everyone wants to give all their music away, but jesus, throw a dog a bone. If I get more music going to your MySpace page than I do your official website, something's wrong.
Anyway, the most startling thing is that out of all the websites I visited, one of the best was Britney Spears':
What it's got going for it:
- Simple design
- It's not Flash
- Straightforward navigation (home/blog/videos/music/photos/tour)
- RSS feed
- Hey, there's a music section! (though it's just music blog posts – cop-out)
- Some actual content (from a team of Britney bloggers)
- Britney's Twitter status up top
I can't say it's the greatest but compared to most musician websites it's amazingly restrained, simple and informative. Also it has inspired me to create a Brad Sucks fragrance.
What other musician websites are decent? Who should I steal from?