Posts tagged birthday
Three five

I turned 35 yesterday. Luckily I had a flu also so it's all uphill from here. I've decided to get my mid-life crisis over with before 40, so I'm off the antidepressants, in two types of therapy and I hired a personal trainer. While it wasn't a disaster, I'm not interested in doing the next 35 the same way I did the first. So I'm trying to put some work in on that.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, I really appreciate it.

Bob Dylan's 70th

Went to a 70th birthday thing for Bob Dylan last night (he wasn't there). I'm not really a huge Dylan fan. I mean, I think he's rad and much respect, good job. But I've never really obsessed over any of his music like I have for my favorite artists, despite trying. Last night at the Dylan open mic I realized the only three songs I really deeply love of his (if we count covers) I found from soundtracks:

1. The Man in Me (The Big Lebowski)
2. You Belong to Me (Natural Born Killers)
3. When I Paint My Masterpiece (Observe & Report, by The Band)

So that probably makes me a lame person. But despite not digging most of his music, he's an inspiration in that he decided he wanted to be a songwriter and has relentlessly stuck with it. That's pretty bad-ass. Also this paper doll was on the table in front of me:


Happy birthday!


This past Friday was the occasion of my birth. I am now old enough that I wasn't sure what age I'd be turning. Thanks for all the kind wishes.

practice space

I am in “crunch mode” for the Denver show on Thursday. I am also “nervous”. This'll be only my third solo show but it'll also be the first one where I'm not doing my own sound.  So maybe that will be good? Maybe I have nothing to worry about?


I turned 31 yesterday. I'm old as hell! My girlfriend gave me an Xbox 360 though so I've got a lot of game-playing to do. I've got Halo 3 and I believe I shall be subscribing to Xbox Live -- anyone out there playing? What are the good online games?