Posts tagged sellout
Condoms, Obama and iPhones oh my

It's been a big couple of days here at Brad Sucks HQ (aka my house). Besides picking up the Out of It CDs (which look SWEET), my songs have been in a condom ad:

Someone sent me this Barack Obama / Work Out Fine mashup which actually works pretty good: (third song down)

I don't like to get involved in American politics really but VOTE FOR OBAMA. VOTE. FOR. OBAMA. VOTEFOROBAMA.

And the hottest new iPhone/iPod Touch app called Simplify Media which allows you to stream your media (and your friends' media) to your iPhone/iPod Touch has my stuff all over its promotional materials:


I don't have an iPhone or iPod Touch but this makes me want one.

This is the stuff I can't really explain to people when they ask me how to promote themselves on the Internet. “Uh, be all slutty with your music and then weird shit will happen?” HOW WILL YOU MONETIZE IT BRAD. “I don't know?”

Sellout Songs - The Moby Equation

moby_equation The Washington Post has a cute article: The Moby Equation. A helpful sellout guide, taking into account rock and roll ideals, the song's sacredness, the artist's reputation, wealth and time since their heyday.

These days with a PVR and downloading TV from the Internet, television commercials are alien to me. The idea of a song being "wrecked" by a commercial seems like a thing of the past, but I'm often weird about these things.