In hanging around Cambridge and Harvard this week I spoke to a lot of people. Here are some of the links I remember referring to:
- Kevin Kelly's Better Than Free article. A great, great article breaking down what artists can still charge for when the art itself is given away for free.
- Scott Adams' How To Become A Cartoonist. I read this years and years ago and the idea of the "copy test" was hugely influential -- though I applied it to music.
- thesixtyone - community voted music site.
- Magnatune - "We're not evil", creative-commons based record label. Doing variable pricing long before Radiohead's In Rainbows.
- RCRDLBL - Advertising supported record label.
- Eminem sues Apple for using song - when talking about what would happen if Apple used one of my songs in their ads without permission. (I believe I said it would be "hilarious" and great for me.)
- The Superficial. When talking about the escalating trend of dismantling celebrities who "artificially" elevate themselves.
- Daft Punk's Live Show - I described their (awesome) masked, pyramided largely pre-recorded performances as blurring the lines of what people expect or want from live shows and what people will pay for.
- - Creative commons based remix site.
- Brad Sucks Digital Download Store - the open source digital download store I wrote. Referenced when defending myself that I don't care about "the money" enough.
- Gimme Some Money - the open source icon donation thing on the right side of this page. Also reference when defending myself that I don't care about "the money" enough.
- Source - where to get all the source files for my album.
- Out of It community backup vocals - call for vocals for the title track on my next album (results soon, it's sounding good!)
- Toy Story 2: Requiem - the Toy Story 2 / Requiem for a Dream mashup featuring an Israeli remix of my song Dirtbag which led William Gibson to my music, later inspiring a character in his novel Spook Country.
I'll add more if I can remember any.