Top 10 Incredible Recordings - exorcisms, Jonestown, first recorded Pope, castratos, first recording of human voices and "the sounds of hell", what more could you ask for?
DIY $10 Ableton Footcontroller (no soldering required) - how to build a foot controller out of a QWERTY keyboard. Pretty simple but neat.
Miro - formerly Democracy now 1.0 and renamed. Very nice open source internet tv / video player.
Apple's little problem with ripping off artists - A list of Apple's marketing rip-off offenses. I'm not sure why they don't get more heat for this as Apple is loved by the artsy types.
Quiltsrÿche - Metal quilts. "Bangover" is my favorite.
June 29, 1888: Handel Oratorio Becomes First Musical Recording - it was called Israel in Egypt and Biblelicious.
The 23 John Henry Bonham Drum Outtakes - I'm not sure how to verify these are actually him, but they're some nice drums regardless.
13 Great moments in the co-option of hip-hop - seems like Run-DMC/Aerosmith "Walk this Way" should be on there, but a lot of great (awful) videos on this list.
SOUNDTRACK - Rob aka thehipcola's new album set to drop October 31st.
Why I Love Power Chords - First issue of guitar teacher Rob Hampton's newsletter. His blog's packed full of info and I expect the newsletter will be the same. Worth checking out.
MediaMonkey Review - found this great write-up on MediaMonkey (my MP3 player of choice) geared towards power-users and people wanting to trick out their MediaMonkey.
Reactee - I like the idea behind these Reactee t-shirts, though you have to really eye up the wearers' nipples to see the SMS info.
Terminator Gene Ban Suggested in Canada - as someone in the comments puts it: "DRM for seeds". Amazing times we live in.
What's the perfect song for air guitaring? - a lot of interesting suggestions I never would have considered.
Middio - I'm kind of digging this site, basically just a front-end for all the music videos on Youtube.
Windows Live Writer Beta 2 - New version of Windows Live Writer, my favorite blogging tool. Overall a very nice update. Page editing and category adding aren't working for me though. [via Scoble] bought by CBS - $280m, congratulations to I assume the site will stagnate and slowly die now like just about every other Web 2.0 site that's been bought.
Getting started with Ogg - A good intro to Ogg Vorbis via the Play Ogg audio format campaign. I want to be down with Ogg, but the support isn't there (yet).
Worst Onstage Meltdowns - a fun list of onstage screwups.