Busy B

That is my hip-hop name. Some stuff:

  • I've been hearing that Making Me Nervous is playing on Sirius Satellite channel 24. I declared that to be sweet.
  • I bought a wireless monitor and transmitter (PSM-200) for live shows.
  • Brad Sucks Magnatune ccMixter compilations are in the can, just waiting to get all the remixers' tax forms into Magnatune.

Things I'm trying to avoid working on because I have a lot of stuff to do:

  • New songs.
  • A WordPress page-to-wiki plugin so awesome people could update my guitar tabs page for me.
  • Turning temple of ego thing into something usable for other humans.
  • A to-do manager that looks and works almost exactly like Gmail.
  • A better Google Desktop email (or Gmail) gadget that updates faster and doesn't show me all my sent mail and MySpace invites and other crap I don't care about.

Today I re-partitioned my laptop and stripped Windows XP down to its bare essentials. That took a frigging fortnight and a half but it's dual-booting now so I can have my nasty regular laptop Windows XP and then my stripped down Ableton Live only XP.

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