junklog & latest books I've read
Months ago I made up this quick site called junklog to track my reading habits. I had been rolling through a lot of books and wanted a simple del.icio.us style tool to let me log and rate them and nothing I tried did what I wanted. I've decided to open it up and see if it's useful to anyone but me. Still pretty rough around the edges but I've been using it for a few months and it seems to work. It has tagging, rss feeds, uses the amazon.com database, lets you log books, music and dvds, etc. You can check out my logged items here. And here's where I test posting my last 5 read books to my blog:
- Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein This had some interesting ideas in it but mostly bored me. I nearly gave up reading it right near the end but forced myself to stay with it. (tags: scifi mars)
- The Time Traveler's Wife (Harvest Book) by Audrey Niffenegger This was more of a romance novel than anything sci-fi which was disappointing to me. And I found it kind of just wandered and ultimately was pretty boring. (tags: timetravel romance scifi)
- Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden Pretty good. A simple story told in an interesting setting with some fun characters (like Hatsumomo). (tags: geisha fiction)
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey This is a great book. I've read it twice now and I guess I should see the movie. (tags: mentalillness classics)
- The Stand : Expanded Edition: For the First Time Complete and Uncut (Signet) by Stephen King This was the first Stephen King book I read. It was pretty good, though some of the god mumbo jumbo lost me. (tags: stephenking horror)