New Brad Sucks Newsletter just dropped where I self-promote and stuff
My new single The Comfort Zone streams on all platforms 4/14/23, please pay attention to it 😵💫
Previously posted on the Patreon, I uploaded an old unreleased demo from 2003 called Tell Me Something I Don’t Know. This was supposed to go on my first album I Don’t Know What I’m Doing but I cut it for whatever reasons and then thought about finishing it up for oh, twenty years. I definitely re-recorded the guitars and vocals a couple of times and then abandoned and lost those as well so it probably wasn’t meant to be.
First of several stream shows last night, here’s the replay if you’re interested. Thanks to all who attended and especially those who chipped in some cash. I think it went all right and I’m looking forward to doing more.
I don’t know if anyone wants any technical details but here are some changes I made from the last show stream:
Bought a new $40 dollar light which seemed to improve the lighting situation a bit
New backgrounds! I paid like $80 for a month of Storyblocks so I have 29 more days to download all the footage I possibly can before I cancel. I think they turned out pretty fun.
New keyboard! Retired the Yamaha Reface CP (which only does electric piano sounds) and replaced it with the Mininova I’ve had for ages. I’ve always hated the sounds on it but I bought a preset pack and now it sounds pretty dope and Ben’s having a good time with it. Looking forward to selling the Reface and looking forward to putting new sounds into the set
Redid my guitar patches on the Line 6 Stomp XL. I think they sound better
Cueing songs from my keyboard instead of the computer keyboard
Finally solved a random USB dropout issue that’s been haunting me for like a decade
For next time:
Add more songs to the repertoire
I’d like to add a looper type thing so we can easily jam or try stuff out
Automating the background changes would take a load off my mind
Might run a long cable from my studio through the living room to the router instead of relying on wi-fi.
Maybe figure out how to stream to other platforms at the same time
Add a limiter? Not totally pleased with the audio on the streams but I don’t know if I’ll ever be content there
Remember all my lyrics and forget none of them
Also for bonus points I’m starting to rehearse with a drummer and bass player again as we’ve got some full band IRL shows booked, so I’ve gotta figure out how to get integrate them with the duo show I’ve built up the past couple of years.
Next show is March 23rd!
I just sent my mailing list out and I feel I should repost it here:
Hey hey, how’s it going? Quick question for you: If I did an I Don’t Know What I’m Doing 20th anniversary concert on the August 25th weekend (either the Friday or Saturday) in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada), do you think you’d be attending? If so, please throw a “yes” down in this poll so I can get an idea of what size of venue to book. No pressure or commitment, just haven’t played a real show since 2019 and I have no idea what to expect. Thank you!
Stream Shows
Stream show dates! These’ll be live on my YouTube channel. Songs will be played, mistakes will be made. First one is next week!
Thursday, February 16th, 2023, 8pm EST
Thursday, March 23rd, 2023, 8pm EST
Thursday, April 20th, 2023, 8pm EST
Thursday, May 25th, 2023, 8pm EST
Thursday, July 27th, 2023, 8pm EST
Thursday, August 31st, 2023, 8pm EST
Drop on by!
A Song in the Film Enter the Drag Dragon
I went to the premiere of Enter the Drag Dragon which was a hilarious campy good time. My song Dropping out of School was in a fun scene, here’s a clip I secretly took in the theatre. Keep an eye out for it at film festivals!
“Brad, What’s New on the Patreon?”
Boy am I glad you asked:
The Comfort Zone (Revised 2023) - - People seemed to like this demo so I’m gonna release it on streaming services. I fixed it up a bit and it’s getting mixed right now. Release date probably in March?
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know (demo) - An unreleased/abandoned song that was cut from I Don’t Know What I’m Doing back in 2003. Been meaning to finish this one for twenty years but I suspect it might not happen. Thinking I’ll probably throw this up on YouTube soon.
Btw feel free to stop by the Brad Sucks Discord chat, you don’t have to be a member of the Patreon to hang out.
Out and About
That’s it for now, join me on the social media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, oh I’m on Mastodon also because I’m a huge nerd.
I posted a little 2023 update about my plans for this year over on the Patreon:
Hope your 2023’s off to a good start! I took some holiday time off to chill and sketch out what the year’s gonna look like for Brad Sucks. Here’s the timeline so far:
The main ones:
I Don’t Know What I’m Doing 20th anniversary. Working on planning a big show for August 26th. Main tasks: learning the full IDKWID album, getting the full band back in shape, warm-up shows, booking, lights, video, streaming, promotion. Also want to come up with some fun stuff to celebrate the album.
Officially release Patreon songs. I've gotta finish the recordings, mix and master them, then do video, promotion, etc.
Streaming & more video content. Shooting for stream shows with Ben every 1.5 months or so as we practice the I Don't Know What I'm Doing album.
More song demos for the Patreon. Still have a huge backlog of songs to finish over here.
Plus tons of small to medium sized things in between.
I'm anxious about having this many deadlines and moving parts -- not to mention nervous about finishing songs and playing live IRL again 😅. I think this'll be the most I've tried to pull off in a year... but mapping stuff out like this has made things manageable for the past few projects so hopefully that'll keep me in check. Wish me luck!
2022! Not my favourite year but the competition hasn’t exactly been stiff lately. Thanks for being along for the ride! All your likes and shares and comments mean a ton to me. And of course special thanks to all the Brad Sucks Patrons: your support each month reminds me to keep at it even though why bother doing anything ever am I right.
In 2023 the plan is to finish and release a lot of the Patreon songs I’ve been working on and try to force people to listen to and share them. Next year is also the 20th anniversary of my first album I Don’t Know What I’m Doing so I’m hoping to do some fun stuff for that. Also artificial intelligence will replace songwriters and musicians soon so that’ll be relaxing.
Gonna try and chill till the new year I think and then get back at it. Here’s a list of some of the stuff I put out or was involved with this year:
VINYL: Guess Who’s a Mess on vinyl (shop link)
SHIRT: Fun Guy t-shirts (shop link)
SONG: Too Sick to Love but Too Well to Die (youtube link)
SONG: Pepper (cover) (youtube link)
SONG: Lotion (cover) (youtube link)
SONG: Fuck You, Motherfucker (It's Christmas) (2022 Version) (youtube link)
VIDEO: Brad Sucks - Making Me Nervous (Live on The LightTwist Show) (youtube link)
VIDEO: Brad Sucks Live Stream: January 27th (youtube link)
VIDEO: Brad Sucks Live Stream: September 22nd (youtube link)
VIDEO: Brad Sucks Live Stream: November 3rd (youtube link)
TV: I have a song in Bee & PuppyCat on Netflix (link)
GAME: I did sound design for VargaVinter (instagram link) (game link)
REMIXED: Dirtbag (SOMMERS UK Remix) (link)
SONG: This Meeting (2022 demo) (patreon link)
SONG: Nature is Healing (demo) (patreon link)
SONG: The Answer (demo) (patreon link)
SONG: Video Games (Lana Del Rey cover) (patreon link)
SONG: Killing It (demo) (patreon link)
SONG: 80s Western Rock Commission (patreon link)
I Command You to Be My Woman + Incomplete Animated Video (patreon link)
Making Me Nervous (early demo) (patreon link)
How to Not Kill Yourself (early demo) (patreon link)
Talent (demo) (patreon link)
The Answer (early demo) (patreon link)
In Trouble lyric brainstorming (patreon link)
All album instrumentals (patreon link)
I think that’s it until next year, thank you again! My links: web, patreon, instagram, tiktok, spotify, twitter, facebook, discord ✌️❤️ — Brad
It’s that time of the year again when I post my dumb cover of John Benjamin’s Fuck You, Motherfucker (It’s Christmas) in the hopes it becomes a timeless (and lucrative) holiday classic! This year I’ve re-recorded the drums and guitars and given it a fresher(?) mix which should make all the difference in the world. I’ve also uploaded the stems here in case you want to take a shot at remixing it. Fingers crossed for huge seasonal and financial success! (Also happy holidays.)
One of the things I feel I need to work on if I want my next releases to do better than A New Low in Hi-Fi did is embrace making video content. I hate that because to say I don’t like being on video or even seeing photos of myself is a massive understatement. But I feel like in this social media climate I absolutely have to suck it up and at least try if I want my songs to get heard.
So over the next while I’m planning to focus on learning to producing short vertical videos. To that end today I made a little video clip for my new song demo Killing It and it's on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.
Anyway it all makes me cringe and want to jump in a volcano but maybe that’ll get better? Or it'll fail and I can give up. Either would be a relief!
Ideally for the new year I'd like to have a stream of clips from live performances and previous Brad Sucks stuff plus new ones showing off the songs I'm working towards releasing. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I’d love to hear them! Thank youuu ❤️
Very happy (and relieved) to say that all of the orders from the Guess Who’s a Mess Indiegogo have been shipped and are on their way!
My huge thanks to everyone who supported this project — I was able to do a high quality remaster of the original album and now I have all four full length Brad Sucks albums available on vinyl. Amazing. I feel so grateful and I can’t thank you enough for your support.
So that wraps up this project and after some clean-up and catch-up over here I’m planning on turning my focus to working on finishing new Brad Sucks songs for release and also trying to get better at regularly producing and putting out video content as that seems to be what modern music promotion requires.
Songs in progress will still be going up on the Brad Sucks Patreon (there are 20+ unreleased demos over there) and I’ll be making more of an effort on the YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Also there's a (usually monthly) Brad Sucks mailing list you can hop on if you want to stay updated. Wish me luck and thanks so much for coming along the ride with me. Love,
Ten years ago today I released my third album Guess Who’s a Mess! It was the hardest of my records to finish and it took many years to get over the disappointment from it for a bunch of dumb reasons.
So I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self that in ten years I’d be mailing hundreds of Guess Who’s a Mess vinyls to people all over the world. Thanks to everyone who supported the crowdfunding campaign to remaster and release it on vinyl — I think it sounds better than it did and I’m happy that most of the regrets I had about its shortcomings have evolved into pride at having finished it back then at all. I doubt that would have happened without all your encouragement and support over these years so I’m very grateful.
Also my huge, huge thanks to Rob Cosh (@thehipcola) for his help mixing and producing it, Justin Perkins (@mystery_room_mke) for the fantastic digital and analog remaster, Estera Lazowska for the rad laser deer cover artwork and Matthew Pfahlert (@the.silent.p) for the graphic design that tied it all together. And of course my thanks to Ben Mullin (@benjaminmulligram), Justin Purvis (@justinlpurvis) and Steve Gaw (@stevengaw2019) for all their contributions and for bringing these songs to life at live shows.
Love you all,
PS: Come join Ben and I tomorrow (Thursday, November 3rd at 8pm EST) for a tenth anniversary live concert stream on my YouTube channel!
We’re doing a concert on my YouTube channel to celebrate my third album Guess Who’s a Mess turning ten this week. It’s on Thursday November 3rd at 8pm EST, come hang!
Vinyl has arrived and looks and sounds great! Thank you all so much for making this a reality -- feels pretty crazy to now have my entire discography available on vinyl. I'll be shipping your orders out soon so please update your mailing addresses on the Indiegogo campaign if they've changed at all, thank you again!! (PS: you can order it here if you haven’t already)
Free/live stream show September 22nd 8pm EST:
Super stoked to have my song & voice kick off Episode 3 of the new Bee & PuppyCat reboot & series on Netflix. The scene:
While my most popular contribution, the Lonely/Jellyfish song scene, didn’t make it into the reboot, writing and performing the birthday song was a really cool creative challenge for me. I had to write the lyrics in a way that hinted at a big reveal about the main character. I had never done any songwriting in service of other people's stories so it was really satisfying to pull it off and I’m thrilled it made the new series. Thanks to Natasha Allegri and everyone else at the show!
Been a rocky time over here at Brad Sucks HQ, but still we persist. Here’s some catch-up:
I put a recent Patreon song demo up on YouTube that people seem to like. It’s called Too Sick to Love but Too Well to Die.
Ben & I are gonna play a free public Brad Sucks show stream on YouTube on September 22nd at 8pm EST.
I revised the Brad Sucks shop with a new fancier merch provider and Fun Guy t-shirts as well as five A New Low in Hi-Fi test pressings.
Over on the Patreon I announced that I’m gonna focus on revising/finishing up some of the unreleased Patreon songs as there are getting to be a lot of them. I’m gonna try doing some production streams as I do that, we’ll see how it goes. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications if you wanna come hang as I doubt I’ll be able to stick to any particular schedule.
Guess Who’s a Mess vinyl is deep in production and should be on its way to me and then to you soon.
That’s it for now, thanks for hanging in there with me. Join me on the social media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Less than a week left in the Guess Who’s a Mess vinyl campaign! We’re at 128% funded, thank you so much! It was pretty cool to get to revisit this record ten years later for the remaster, I’m excited to get it out there.
Lotion (Greenskeepers Cover)
I’m playing around with cover songs people have requested (here’s a Spotify playlist of all of them), I hadn’t heard this song before but it made me laugh to sing along with it so I gave it a whirl:
Download available on the Brad Sucks Patreon
A New Low in Hi-Fi Anniversary
A New Low in Hi-Fi turned one and I’ve been uploading one minute lyric video clips from the album as Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts and TikToks, perhaps you’d like to look at and listen to them?
Other Stuff
There’s now a #bradsucks channel in the Brad Sucks Discord if for some reason you’re not getting enough detail about my career. Will it mostly be me complaining in there? Too soon to tell.
With the big vinyl project concluding (until I start shipping you all your records later this year), I’m planning to catch up on some boring housecleaning/admin stuff and I’m looking forward to getting back to playing around with music and recording more again. There’ll be a new song demo up on the Patreon on the first of July!
That’s all for now! Follow me: Instagram, Patreon, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook.
A New Low in Hi-Fi is one year old today! 🔥 Thanks everybody for helping make it happen, for listening, for your kind comments and for spreading the word. Appreciate you all ❤️🔥
PS: there’s still vinyl available on my website… for now ☄️